Written by: OnlineTherapy.com Experts
Fact checked
Updated: Jun 07, 2022
We are the world’s #1 Directory for Online Counseling!
And we are excited to announce our new FREE membership program.
Is it really free?
Yes -100% FREE! You will help us build the world largest database of counselors and therapist – together we will work toward providing support to all that seek it!
Do I have to give my credit card info?
No. You are not being billed, so no credit card info is required.
How does it work?
To qualify for the Free Membership you must:
- Have a website for your private practice.
- Fill out the required form, so we can capture all the pertinent about your practice and service offering.
- Our team will review your information for completeness and will work with you to connect your website to our database.
- Upon completion your account will be approved and your website will be added to our database.
What do the badges look like?
How do I get the badges on my site?
The badges act as links that connect back to the directory. They will need to be coded into the footer of your site. The code is provided in the dashboard of your membership.
You can do it yourself.
You can have your web designer do it.
Or we can do it for you.