Written by: OnlineTherapy.com Experts
Fact checked
Updated: Jul 01, 2022
Find a therapist that is right for you.
Start searching for your online counselor now!
You can find a therapist in the OnlineTherapy.com directory. Online counselors who are licensed clinical social workers and mental health professionals are available worldwide in our global directory of the world’s leading trained and credentialed experts. You’ll find professionals who are members of the American Psychological Association, licensed clinical social workers, certified counselors, and other clinical professionals that provide virtual sessions.
With advancements in communication technology and video calling, online counseling and mental health services have become an option for people looking to connect with their therapist and receive treatment in a more convenient way. You no longer need to drive to meet a licensed therapist at their office. You can set up flexible schedules and meet remotely while working on the same issues and even working with your partner, all with the flexibility and comfort of online communication.
Why search online for a therapist?
Online therapy is convenient. Scheduling time with a health professional can be quite flexible. This is especially important if you or a loved one travels a lot but you’d still like to work together in sessions. You can meet with a psychologist or therapist from anywhere in the U.S. or world. The Online Therapy Directory also has mental health therapists that speak many different languages, so if you’re in a foreign location, you can find the right therapist match in the directory that speaks your language and can help you with your transitions.
Online therapy is also effective. You get the same level of expertise from an association credentialed professional such as a clinical social worker or psychologist by using teleconference technology. Using secure platforms, therapists can interact with patients from anywhere in the world. You may even find a counselor in your area, perhaps, meeting remotely to work through mental health concerns is still best because it’s more convenient and approachable for you. This accessibility is what makes online therapy so powerful and effective.
The online therapist search is simple and enables you to narrow down what you are seeking.
By using a locator tool like the Online Counseling Find a Therapist search, you can identify the type of social worker, licensed counselor, or psychological professional you’re looking for, what mental health condition or issues you’d like to work on with that therapist, what age group you’d like your therapist to specialize in, and what language or languages you’d prefer that they speak. After your initial search provides names, you can drill down even further into other advanced selections if you wish.